January 31, 2004

Bula from Fiji,

Time has been slowing ever since I started, but I think time has actually stopped here in Fiji. It is a very relaxing place. I came here to surf and I've had some good surf. They are reef breaks in the middle of the ocean. You get dropped off in a boat and paddle to the spot where the swell starts to break over the coral. It's cool sitting surrounded by so much water and also seeing the coral anywhere from 5 to 15 feet directly underneath you. I've had some good waves, but it has been small. I got to surf the famous Cloudbreak ( at Tavarua Island ) yesterday, but it was extremely small. We've seen great water life on the boat rides to the reef; dolphins, flying fish ( everywhere ), and turtles. I also went on a night dive and the highlight was a big sea turtle.

The Fijians are very friendly. Each night we enjoy their beautiful singing and guitar playing. I have had some of the Kava as well; a local root based drink ( novacaine-like ). We sit around listening to the singing and in general, chill out. Helps you sleep too. ( "Kava is good for you ooohhhhhh . . . Kava is medicine too ooohhhhhh" )

The routine here has been pretty tough. Breakfast, surf, lunch, sleep, pool/read/mudflat golf, happy hour, dinner, sleep. Repeat.

I head home tomorrow and I am looking forward to seeing friends and family very much. The trip has been really good, more than I could have ever anticipated. I have met so many people and consequently learned about many different opinions and perspectives on many subjects. I've seen and experienced so much as well!

Here are some fun facts to put the trip in perspective.

Cities/Towns Visited: 63
Countries Visited: 22
Liability Waiver forms signed: 19
Flights: 28
Days Surfed: 45
Beers Consumed: 500 ( * conservative estimate )
Youth Hostels: 34
# of times I heard Bush and a profanity used in the same sentence: 34

I hope you've enjoyed the updates. I've enjoyed writing them. If you want to read further I've passed out some international awards. These are meant to be light hearted! Just some odd, odds and ends, my quick impressions.


International Awards:

Norway: most flowing water, best national holiday
Denmark: prettiest girls, most white see-through linen pants
Finland: most saunas, most embracing ( capitalism, EU, etc. )
Sweden: prettiest port city
Scandinavia in General: best looking people, best quality of life
Estonia: quickest capitalism converts
Chamonix: most women walking dogs w/baguette in hand while riding a mountain bike
Switzerland: best dairy products; cheese, chocolate, mile, ice cream. Those cows really rock
Austria: most crosses seen ( on moutnain tops, around necks, etc. ), most women with died red hair, most lederhosen ( well to be fair, I stumbled apon a town fair )
Slovenia: most undiscovered, best rural/farm towns
Spain: most varied culture, latest dinner eaters, friendliest girls - "Ola" and a smile is all you need
Amsterdam: best coffee shops :-)
Tanzania: most animal shit per square foot - obviously fantastic wildlife, prettiest grass plain in the Serengetti
Rwanda: making it work at all costs - living together in harmony under the most trying of circumstances, the shadow of the genocide
Botswana: most ecotourism savvy
South Africa: most politically charged, best surf breaks
Australia: most girls surfing in bikinis, need I say anymore?!
New Zealand: strongest sun, most diverse terrain
Fiji: most beautiful singing, most stress free

Posted by Craig at January 31, 2004 09:19 PM

Welcome back, dude! I have tried to follow your escapades and managed to read some if not all posts and thoroughly enjoyed them. Do let me know when you are in town.

-- Regards,
-- Vasu Ganti

Posted by: Vasu Ganti on February 3, 2004 09:46 AM

lots of song lyrics inside this site

Posted by: song lyrics on March 23, 2005 10:00 PM
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