August 28, 2003
Trekking in the Alps

Oh, I just deleted half an hour of writing! This post may not have the energy of the last one!

After the Eiger, Freddy and I were set to do the Matterhorn, but they had a huge rockfall which closed the route. 90 climbers where airlifted off the mountain, no one was injured thankfully. We decided to wait a week or so to see how the mountain responded and I used that time to do some great trekking in Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia.

First I headed up to the Bernese Oberland which I had seen while climbing the Eiger. This is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen. You have these two valleys with little towns poised on cliffs above the valleys, and huge mountains like the Eiger, Monch, and Jungfrau even higher above. You can do great hikes and always have a restaurant to stop into for a break, as well as cow bells making music all over. I did one hike in the fog, but heard cow bells the whole way. I spent a few days going to Murren, Gimmewald, Wengen, Eigergletscher, and Grindelwald. I hiked above Gimmewald and Murren, from Wengen to Eigergletscher, and from there to Grindelwald below the North Face of the Eiger.

After that I headed to the Engadine Region which is in the south east corner of Switzerland. I saw Sils Maria and St. Moritz and did a great day hike above Sils Maria. Decided to go to Austria since St. Moritz was a little rich for my blood.

Head to Innsbruck, bigger than I thought. You notice all the crosses on the tops of the mountains in Austria. Spent a day in Kitzbuhel, home of the most famouns downhill ski race in the world, the Hannenkam. I hiked from the town to the top and you get a great view of the race course. Very steep and narrow. I had a great look at the Mause Falle, almost vertical. I even went to the Londoner where the winner pours beers. They told me I was 6 months too late.

Went to Slovenia after that and spent a day in the capital city of Ljibjiana. Very pretty city with a lot of Baroque architecture, not on the tourist hot spot yet. I really wanted to see the Slovenian Alps so I headed to Lake Bohinj, met some great Australians, Suzie and Matt, and we did a two day hike. Very different look than the rest of the Alps. The rock is pourous and white. The rivers are so clear because the water is clear, but the riverbed is white. Star Fuzina was the little town we stayed and extremely pretty and untouristy . . for now.

Headed back to Austria to trek around Austriaīs highest mountain, the Grossglockner. Stayed at a great Pension in Heiligenblut where the owner only spoke German and I did my best to talk with her. I did ok, but sometimes I would get this look as if to say, "What just came out of your mouth!??" Actually, I got a lot of German practice while in the Alps, best language to know for the region. Spent two days hiking around the Grossglockner, which had beautiful and varied terrain.

I had a nice diversion from there, to London. My good friend from water polo days and also my pledge brother from college, Matt McAlister got married! He married a beautiful girl, Jessica, who he had met while living in London. It was a very nice ceremony followed by a wild party. I also got to see many other good friends including two other pledge bros and their sig. others, Jay & Allie Behr and Scot and soon to be Julie Blocker. We had a great time. I was sitting on a train returning my "hired suite" to downtown London on the hottest day EVER in Great Britain. I think I have been in Switzerland, England, Austria, and Slovenia on each of their hottest days EVER. Now I am in Barcelona and guess what . .. . itīs hot!

After London, I headed back to Salzburg. What a great town. It is on the backpackers hot spot so I met a lot of the young folk. Like I said earlier, I have realized now that I am officially old. Very pretty town, many domes, river runs through it, and great night culture. You see many men and women walking around in suites, tuxes, and evening gowns on their way to a symphony or opera. It is the home of Mozart, and let me tell you, they do not let you forget it. I, of course, went to his residence and birth place. He wrote over 30 Operas and 600 pieces of music, just so you know that I did pay attention. Did a few day trips outside Salzburg, one to Wolfgang See and one to a great rock festival called the Frequency Festival. Went with two of the guys from the hostel, the headliners were Heather Nova and Travis, saw many other very cool acts and tried to talk to the girls in German.

After that, headed to Vienna, ate Sacher Torte and did the cafe thing. Walked all over, did a big sightseeing day. Toured the opera and I was struck by how many times the guide referred to the fact that it was bombed in WWII and consequently is not even a quarter as nice as it was before the the war. OK, ok, I get the picture. Actually, after a few European cities, you realize that almost every city was completely rebuilt after the war to look as much like the pre-war city. No point really, just an observation, but I think the tour guide was trying to make a point.

Then I got a great e-mail. Freddy said the Matterhorn was looking good and I should get over there to climb it. I am so excited that I was actually able to do it. I did not think it would happen!

Posted by Craig at 07:52 AM