sunrise at Titicaca
sunrise at Titicaca *
Viewed: 799 times.

day hike to Inca ruins, Titicaca
day hike to Inca ruins, Titicaca *
Viewed: 860 times.

day hike, little piggies
day hike, little piggies *
Viewed: 829 times.

day hike, little piggies
day hike, little piggies *
Viewed: 844 times.

sacrifice table at Inca ruins, Isla del Sol, Titicaca
sacrifice table at Inca ruins, Isla del Sol, Titicaca *
Viewed: 960 times.

Inca ruins, Isla del Sol, Titicaca
Inca ruins, Isla del Sol, Titicaca *
Viewed: 861 times.

Inca ruins, from rock of the puma ( titicaca means rock of the puma, the 1st Inca rose from the rock of the puma )
Inca ruins, from rock of the puma ( titicaca means rock of the puma, the 1st Inca rose from the rock of the puma ) *
Viewed: 909 times.

Titicaca *
Viewed: 840 times.

sheepherder girls, Isla del Sol, Titicaca
sheepherder girls, Isla del Sol, Titicaca *
Viewed: 868 times.

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